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Behavioral change taxonomies in systematic reviews & meta-analysis regarding obesity management
BCT workshop 2021 Session 4: The future
The impact of behavior change interventions in real world settings - prof. Aleksandra Łuszczyńska
Hearts, minds and environment (Susan Michie - 20 Oct 2015)
Behaviour change techniques targeting diet and physical activity in type 2 diabetes
Sustaining Behavior Change Full Conference: Day 2
Designing a theory-informed ICT tool for weight loss maintenance: the H2020 NoHow project
Shinichi Nakagawa - A behavioural ecologist meet meta-analysis | Collective Behaviour Seminar Series
Psychological Determinants of Behavior Change: From Theory to Behavior Change
Internet interventions providing personalized feedback for weight loss in overweight/obese adults
Understanding the Human Microbiome and its Therapeutic Potential
Session 4 - Enabling Open Science, Reproducibility, Replicability, and